Connecting With Your Dog – Megan Leavey
To all dog lovers out there, this season brings fantastic entertainment to show us the importance of connecting with your dog (your best furry friend). If you have taken a trip to the movies lately, you may have heard about Megan Leavey. The story is of an enlisted Marine who becomes a dog handler that trains with military dogs and eventually deploys to Iraq to uncover explosive devices with the dog combat soldiers.
Connecting with your dog: What we learned from watching Megan Leavey
This amazing story has made us here at Les Poochs realize that our own values in providing the best care for best friends is spot-on. Following are the things we learned about how we connect with our dogs.
Your pet needs a significant amount of care
When you make the decision to own a pet, you take on tremendous amount of responsibility to care for their every need. This obviously includes food and water, but also, as we saw in the movie, making sure they are comfortable and have plenty of rest. We have designed our products, such as the Les Poochs line of high quality professional dog shampoo, to ensure that you have the products you need, to provide the best possible care for your pet.
Pets have endless amounts of love to give
All pets really want to do is belong. Have you noticed your pet can often be vying for your attention? Regardless of any day or situation, you probably can find your best friend lying at your feet, or close by. When you are having a bad day or even just a tense phone conversation, your pet may come over and attempt to give you love with a nuzzle or a snuggle. They can sense when you need love, and make it available to you.
Your pets’ instincts are incredible and they’re capable of amazing things
In the movie, dogs were trained to protect humans. And even in the news, we have seen and read stories of other dogs who have been trained to be on the alert for health problems in humans, like the ability to detect high blood sugar levels in diabetic owners. Beyond knowing when you are in need of love, your pet can also sense danger.
We applaud the efforts of Hollywood for sharing this story and reminding us all just how special our best furry friends are to our lives and families. How do you see yourself and your family connecting with your dog?