For groomers: Selecting Dog Shampoo
For groomers – What to know
Selecting dog shampoo for your pet grooming salon is a balance of fitting your budget while finding the best product available. When clients entrust their dogs to you, it is very important to deliver a high quality experience and return their best friend perfectly coiffed. We understand that you are running a business and therefore want the very best quality for the price. Our shampoos are safe, effective, and allow you to deliver a beautiful-looking pet each and every time.
For any dog groomer, one of the cornerstones of the grooming experience is the bath. The shampoo you use needs to outperform and satisfy your expectations as well as those of your most discerning clients. We know you have many choices when it comes to selecting dog shampoo for your salon: fragrance or fragrance-free, tearless, de-matting, de-shedding, deodorizing . . . how do you choose?
Avoid cheap dog shampoos
You may already know that buying the cheapest shampoo available can sometimes cost you a client’s business. Additionally, buying a lower quality shampoo risks adverse reactions in pets, which will not make for happy clients. They want for their pet to have the cleanest fur and skin, the best smell, and for them to be as safe as possible.
Here at Les Poochs, we know groomers. We know that you work hard for your money, and that your money should work hard for you. We also know you can be overwhelmed with many options when selecting dog shampoo to use in your business, and want to educate yourself on the important differences.
Avoid selecting dog shampoo containing soap
It is critical that you read labels and understand each and every ingredient. When selecting dog shampoo for your salon, make sure any shampoos you choose have safe ingredients for dogs, that they do not contain soap, and that they leave a dog’s coat looking and feeling luxurious.
Les Poochs shampoos are of the highest quality. We do not use any soap in them, since we know that soap can be drying to a dog’s coat and skin, and leave an unpleasant residue. Instead, our shampoos contain surfactant.
What is surfactant, and why is it important in a dog shampoo?
Surfactant-based shampoos promote lather and do not produce any suds at all. This is advantageous because suds and bubbles from soap are what causes residue and dandruff (dry, flaky skin) on a dog coat.
Our shampoos will give your clients’ pets the shiniest coat possible. You will also find that our shampoos are luxuriously fragrant, but not overbearing, with a pleasant and fresh scent.
We want your clients’ dogs to have “The best care” for THEIR “best friend.”